Maximizing Return on Investment with Email Marketing

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Written By Said

Said is a thought leader in small business marketing. He has founded, grown and sold dozens of successful businesses throughout his career. 


Email has become an integral part of our daily routine, with almost everyone checking their inbox regularly. Studies reveal that a staggering 95% of email users go through their personal emails each day. 

However, just sending an email isn’t enough to guarantee engagement. To ensure that your target audience not only sees but also opens and acts upon your emails, it’s essential to optimize your email marketing campaigns. So, In today’s article, we are going to cover everything you need to know about how you can maximize your ROI with email marketing as part of your brand’s digital strategy. 

ROI for email marketing

According to a recent study by the DMA, the average ROI for email marketing can reach as high as $36 for every $1 spent. 

But, keep in mind that this figure can vary across different industries. For example, consumer goods, ecommerce, and retail companies often see higher ROIs thanks to direct purchase links in their emails. 

B2B companies, on the other hand, while having slightly lower returns, benefit from the long-term value of relationship building through email. 

How can you calculate the ROI of your email marketing campaign?

The basic ROI formula is: 

ROI= Gain – spent/spent

The “gain” includes any income directly linked to your email campaign, while the “spent” encompasses all associated costs, such as software expenses and labor.

However, some ROI formulas overlook an essential factor: your inbox placement rate. If your emails don’t land in subscribers’ inboxes, they won’t contribute positively to ROI.

Regularly calculating ROI allows you to assess the effectiveness of your strategies and make informed decisions for future campaigns. While what constitutes a “good” email ROI varies by business, most consider a percentage between 7 and 30 as favorable. 

email growth graph

Keys to an effective email marketing campaign

Below we show you the most important keys so that you can carry out an effective email marketing campaign to achieve maximum ROI and in this way be able to generate greater income and benefits for your business:

The issue must work like a hook

Keep in mind that, many times and to a large extent, the subject of the email is what will determine whether or not the recipient opens the email that you have sent. The characteristics of the subject should be mainly that they be brief, captivating in the eyes of the person who reads them, it should generate a certain urgency to want to open it and it should not contain strange characters or exclamations, questions or capital letters.

One piece of advice we can give you at this point is to write it, thinking about your buyer persona. You should start thinking: What issue do you think would capture their attention? The more polished your email subject line is, the higher the opening rate you will get.

Segment your subscribers

This is perhaps one of the keys and the most important practice of all. Because, you must know that it is not enough to have a large and rich base of contacts since there will be various profiles, each of them with different and diverse needs.

That is why it is very important that you can group your subscribers in a certain way based on them (their profiles) so that you can send different emails to your different lists.

For example, a criterion that you can use to segment your database is according to the ” type of customer “, which you can group according to whether they have purchased more than once, have done so only once or have not made any purchases. It is for this reason that you cannot send the same email to all your clients and you must segment and personalize them.

Responsive design

According to statistics, more than 50% of newsletters are opened from mobile phones, and every year this percentage increases, more and more by leaps and bounds; Therefore, within the digital marketing strategy it is important that not only the website be responsive, but also the emails that you send to your clients or your prospects, therefore, this point is very important (that the design of the email is responsive).

Before making the final sending, we recommend that you carry out a test by sending the email to your own email and that you can check if you can access it from different mobile devices in order to verify that the email display is correct and appropriate.

Good copywriting

The copywriting of your email marketing must connect mainly and above all with the emotions and sensitivity of your buyer persona and at the same time it must make it very clear to them what the product or service you are offering them is. The emotional and the rational must be found in perfect balance.

The buyer persona profile, to which the email will be sent, must be studied very well in order to carry out and subsequently send profitable email marketing campaigns. Regarding the email format, we can tell you that the text must be brief and must be in a very structured way.

It is important that when you are writing it, you do not go around the bush and write it, following the traditional but effective steps of introduction, argument and later, and very essentially, inserting a Call to Action (CTA).

Be careful with using SPAM words

After all the work you are doing meticulously with writing your email, automating your emails, segmenting your audience, according to the stage of the conversion process in which they are, looking for an eye-catching subject, designing in the best way possible, by the time you open it, you don’t want your email to end up in the spam folder of your clients or potential clients.

Currently, email providers have antispam filters that automatically detect certain words that are prohibited terms in a newsletter, which they identify as such. That is why you should avoid using certain words such as:

  • Words that imply gratuitousness “free”, “free installation”, “Free hosting”
  • Words that imply discounts “rebates”, “70% less”, “lower interest rate”
  • Words that imply recipient gain “earn extra money”, “cash prizes”
  • Words that imply a sense of urgency “do it today”, “for a limited time”, “get it now”
  • Words that imply trust “no risk”, “100% satisfied”
  • Words that imply too much personalization “You have been selected”, “You have won”
  • And many more…

For this reason, it is very important to be very careful when using these words, because whether or not users open your email will depend on it, in other words, the success or failure of your email campaign will depend on it.

Key Takeaway

You can’t increase your ROI with email marketing by just sending more emails. Rather, try to send better emails. By understanding your audience, personalizing your content and using the power of automation, you can significantly elevate the effectiveness of your email campaigns. Continue testing, keep learning and keep in mind that there’s always room to innovate and improve.